Security News

Does your mobile carrier track you online? (Help Net Security)
2015-08-18 11:40

At least nine mobile carriers around the world are using "supercookies" to track users' web browsing, a study by human rights organization Access has shown. Supercookies are special tracking header...

Top 10 U.S. cities for online fraud (Help Net Security)
2015-08-11 09:00

Data reveals Tampa as the top hot spot for online fraud and ThreatMetrix found a correlation between top cities for fraud and those home to hosted data centers. The top 10 list of U.S. cities fo...

UK job recruiters network hit by hacker, user info dumped online (Help Net Security)
2015-08-10 08:38

TEAM (The Employment Agents Movement), the largest network of independent recruiters in the UK, has been hit by a Saudi Arabian hacker that goes by the online handle JM511. The hacker apparently le...