Security News
North Korea is engaged in even more illegal squid fishing than previously. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my...
The North Korean hacking group know as Lazarus recently targeted financial institutions in Latin America, Trend Micro security researchers have discovered. read more
FireEye Traces APT38 Attacks; US-CERT Issues ATM Cash-Out Malware Attack AlertA gang of North Korean government hackers, known as APT38, has stolen more than $100 million from banks in Asia and...
A report published on Wednesday by FireEye details the activities of a financially motivated threat actor believed to be operating on behalf of the North Korean government. read more
U.S. Shares Details on North Korea’s ATM Cash-out Scheme read more
A recently observed variant of the KONNI malware appears tied to a remote access Trojan (RAT) previously attributed to a North Korean actor, Palo Alto Networks security researchers say. read more
Park Jin Hyok is allegedly with Lazarus Group, a hacking team connected to attacks on a wide array of industries and public utilities.
A North Korean national has been charged by U.S. authorities over his alleged involvement in the cyberattacks carried out by the notorious Lazarus Group. read more
WannaCry, Sony Pictures and Bangladesh Bank Attacks Tie to Suspect, FBI SaysU.S. prosecutors have accused a 34-year-old North Korean man of involvement in some of the most destructive and...
WannaCry, Sony Pictures and Bangladesh Bank Attacks Tie to Suspect, FBI SaysU.S. prosecutors have accused a lone, 34-year-old North Korean man of involvement in some of the most destructive and...