Security News

Cybersecurity training management and skills assessment platform (Help Net Security)
2017-02-14 16:00

No cost and open source cybersecurity massive open online course (MOOC) provider Cybrary announced the launch of its Teams training management and skills assessment platform at RSA Conference...

Real-time network health management: Closing the gap between known and unknown threats (Help Net Security)
2017-01-24 13:00

2016 was yet another record year for cyber security threats. As of July 2016, there were 522 reported breaches, exposing more than 13 million records, according to the Identity Theft Resource...

Security management outlook: Five trends to watch (Help Net Security)
2017-01-23 12:45

Cybersecurity can’t sit still. As we look ahead to what this year has in store for the security management landscape, organizations globally should be paying attention to five key trends. 1....

Patch and security management take 8 hours per month for most companies (Help Net Security)
2017-01-17 13:00

Shavlik and AppSense used VMworld Europe 2016 to collect data from frontline experts, and to highlight patch management and security concerns in corporations. A total of 178 professionals...