Security News

New Privilege Escalation Flaw Affects Most Linux Distributions
2018-10-26 14:18

An Indian security researcher has discovered a highly critical flaw in X.Org Server package that impacts OpenBSD and most Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat, and...

How to limit access to the su command in Linux
2018-10-10 18:21

Jack Wallen shows you a simple trick to heighten your Linux server security, by limiting Linux users' access to the su command.

Why TENS is the secure bootable Linux you need
2018-10-03 17:45

If you're looking for a security-minded live Linux distribution, TENS makes desktop protection incredibly simple.

Another Linux Kernel Bug Surfaces, Allowing Root Access
2018-09-28 18:11

Android, Debian and Ubuntu users are still at risk.

Google Hacker Discloses New Linux Kernel Vulnerability and PoC Exploit
2018-09-28 08:48

A cybersecurity researcher with Google Project Zero has released the details, and a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for a high severity vulnerability that exists in Linux kernel since kernel...

Google Project Zero Discloses New Linux Kernel Flaw
2018-09-28 05:38

Google Project Zero this week disclosed the details and released a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for a potentially serious Linux kernel vulnerability. read more

Local-Privilege Escalation Flaw in Linux Kernel Allows Root Access
2018-09-27 16:00

Researchers said the vulnerability "is very easy to exploit."

'Mutagen Astronomy' Linux kernel vulnerability sighted
2018-09-27 06:01

Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS users at risk A new Linux kernel vulnerability that can only be locally exploited is nonetheless proving a bit of a nuisance.…

New Linux Kernel Bug Affects Red Hat, CentOS, and Debian Distributions
2018-09-26 12:18

Security researchers have published the details and proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits of an integer overflow vulnerability in the Linux kernel that could allow an unprivileged user to gain superuser...

Linux Kernel Vulnerability Affects Red Hat, CentOS, Debian
2018-09-26 10:25

Qualys has disclosed the details of an integer overflow vulnerability in the Linux kernel that can be exploited by a local attacker for privilege escalation. The flaw, dubbed “Mutagen Astronomy,”...