Security News

Lazarus Group rises again from the digital grave with Hoplight malware for all
2019-04-10 23:36

Norks trigger Uncle Sam's alarm with attack variant The Lazarus Group hacking operation, thought to be controlled by the North Korean government, has a new malware toy to pitch at potential...

Lazarus Group Widens Tactics in Cryptocurrency Attacks
2019-03-28 16:12

MacOS users, as well as Windows, are in the cross-hairs, especially those based in South Korea.

McAfee: Oops, our bad. Sharpshooter malware was the Norks' Lazarus Group the whole time
2019-03-04 16:41

Access to C'n'C server data shows state hackers weren't smart enough for false flags McAfee (the antivirus firm, not John the dodgy "playboy") reckons the Sharpshooter malware campaign it...

U.S. Charges North Korean Over Lazarus Group Hacks
2018-09-06 18:04

The U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday announced charges against a North Korean national who is believed to be a member of the notorious Lazarus Group, to which governments and the...

More links between WannaCry and Lazarus group revealed (Help Net Security)
2017-05-23 19:49

Symantec researchers have found more links between WannaCry ransomworm and Lazarus, the hacking group believed to be behind the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures and the 2016 Bangladesh Central Bank...

Operation Blockbuster Coalition Ties Destructive Attacks to Lazarus Group (Threatpost)
2016-02-24 13:00

A group of security companies today published evidence linking the Sony hack, Dark Seoul and Operation Troy to the Lazarus Group.