Security News

Israeli-Turkish Cyberwar Begins
2011-09-07 06:48 By Gavriel Queenann Israel National News 9/6/2011

Russia expels Israeli military attache for 'industrial	espionage'
2011-05-20 07:56 By Andrew Osborn, Moscow Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem...

Israeli security chief celebrates Stuxnet cyber attack
2011-02-16 08:48 By Christopher Williams Technology Correspondent 16 Feb 2011 The...

Israeli jailed for Facebook photo
2008-04-24 08:01 BBC News 23 April 2008 Israel has sentenced a soldier to 19 days in jail for uploading a photograph taken on his military base to the social...

Hackers protest US, Israeli actions on UN website
2007-08-13 07:13 August 13, 2007 The official website of the United Nations appeared to have...

Sourcefire Sold to Israeli Company
2005-10-10 04:09 By Ellen McCarthy Washington Post Staff Writer October 7, 2005 Sourcefire Inc., a Columbia software firm that...

Israeli high-tech firms may benefit from security concerns
2001-10-24 07:17 By JASON KEYSER, Associated Press TEL AVIV, Israel (October 23, 2001 10:00 p.m. EDT) - In the doldrums for the past year, Israel's...