Security News
Ignoring privacy laws, storing plain text passwords, slurping millions of contact details come back to bite web giant Here's a triple Thursday whammy: Facebook has been accused of breaking...
Ireland's Data Protection Commission (DPC), headed by the Commissioner for Data Protection, Helen Dixon, has published its first annual report since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...
Facebook Alone the Focus of 10 Separate Regulatory Investigations by Privacy WatchdogIreland's privacy watchdog has its eye on Facebook. Ten of the 15 major investigations that the Data Protection...
6.8 Million Users' Private Photos Exposed, Triggering GDPR InvestigationIreland's privacy watchdog is probing data breaches at Facebook that exposed users' private data. In the latest breach to be...
Ransomware Hit NHS Scotland Hard; Northern Ireland and Wales Escaped InfectionsThe United Kingdom might be greater than the sum of its parts. But when it came to the WannaCry outbreak, some parts...
It's the second in two months. Video. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....
It's rare: Fishermen caught a 19-foot-long giant squid off the coast of Ireland on Monday, only the fifth to be seen there since 1673. Also the first in 22 years. As usual, you can also use this...