Security News

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After a March report exposed Iran-linked APT33's infrastructure and operations, the cyberespionage group has adopted new tactics and techniques.

Tehran's hackers are 'wiping' infected machines as tensions spike, fresh sanctions approved Hackers operating on behalf of the Iranian government have turned destructive, warns the US Department...

The Department of Homeland Security is warning that U.S. agencies are being targeted by Iranian-backed cyberattacks with destructive wiper malware.

US Reportedly Responded to Drone Downing With Cyber StrikeIran is increasing its malicious cyber activity against the U.S, which could manifest in attacks that render computers unusable, a top...

The United States launched cyber attacks against Iranian missile control systems and a spy network this week after Tehran downed an American surveillance drone, US media reported on Saturday. read more

The alleged source code of another tool used by Iran-linked cyber-espionage group OilRig was recently posted online. read more

Facebook and Twitter said Tuesday they shuttered accounts used in an Iran-based social media campaign to sway public opinion by impersonating reporters, politicians and others. read more

When an attractive young Middle Eastern woman contacted Saudi dissident Ali AlAhmed over Twitter last November, he was immediately suspicious. read more