Security News

Risk of internet collapse rising
2002-11-27 08:38 Tuesday, 26 November, 2002 Simulated attacks on key internet hubs have shown how vulnerable the worldwide network is to disruption by disaster or...

Experts make changes to defend against Internet attacks
2002-11-07 10:51 By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press WASHINGTON (November 6, 2002 4:39 p.m. EST) - Experts have made an important change to the 13...

Group warns of widespread security flaw among Internet network devices
2002-02-13 10:15 By D. IAN HOPPER, AP Technology Writer WASHINGTON (February 12, 2002 2:20 p.m. EST) - From desktop computers to traffic management...

Re: Internet proves easy way for terrorists to communicate
2001-10-09 11:26

Forwarded from: Dan Verton FYI...from Ross Anderson University of Cambridge Unfortunately, the story that bin Laden hides his secret messages in pornographic images on the net appears to be too...

Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet
2001-09-17 09:00

Forwarded by: "Jay D. Dyson" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Courtesy of Security Papers. - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 17:36:36 -0600 From: aleph1 ()...

Witnesses: Teen hacker intended to disable Internet sites
2001-06-14 06:25 MONTREAL (June 13, 2001 09:48 p.m. EDT) - Witnesses told a sentencing hearing Wednesday that a 16-year-old computer hacker illegally...

European 'safer Internet' site hit by hackers
2001-06-08 07:44,1199,NAV47_STO61171,00.html.html By JORIS EVERS IDG NEWS SERVICE June 07, 2001 Hackers embarrassed the European Commission this week by identifying and...

Re: Germany skeptical on US plans for Internet firewall
2001-03-07 20:46

Pardon me, But since when does the definition of "shield" include the ability to attack? Let's call a spade a spade, that's a weapon, not a shield. Stuart

Internet business group calls for delay in cybercrime treaty
2000-11-08 08:43,1199,NAV47_STO53469,00.html By RICK PERERA, IDG NEWS SERVICE (November 07, 2000) BERLIN -- The Global Internet Project (GIP), a U.S.-based business group...

Ex-Soviet Spy Takes on Internet Mission in U.S.,              Using Old Skills
2000-06-08 15:43

Forwarded by: cult hero Ex-Soviet Spy Takes on Internet Mission in U.S., Using Old Skills By JAMES RISEN WASHINGTON, June 7 -- In...