Security News

Healthcare CISOs: Manage infosec risks and safeguard patient safety
2018-08-30 12:20

Prominent CISOs from leading health systems and providers throughout the country have come together to establish the Provider Third Party Risk Management Council to develop, recommend and promote...

New infosec products of the week​: August 24, 2018
2018-08-24 12:15

DefenseCode announces free edition of their Web Security Scanner DefenseCode Web Security Scanner is a DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) product for testing security of live web sites...

If it doesn't need to be connected, don't: Nurse prescribes meds for sickly hospital infosec
2018-08-23 04:56

Pro shares healthcare horror stories BSides Manchester A children's nurse prescribed hospitals ways to improve their computer security at the BSides conference in Manchester, England, earlier this month.…

'Oh sh..' – the moment an infosec bod realized he was tracking a cop car's movements by its leaky cellular gateway
2018-08-18 00:20

Internet boxes blab coordinates on login pages Black Hat If you want to avoid the cops, or watch deliveries and call-outs by trucks and another vehicles in real-time, well, there's potentially not...

New infosec products of the week​: August 17, 2018
2018-08-17 11:30

Alkemist: Harden vulnerable embedded systems and devices RunSafe Security announced the availability of Alkemist, a proprietary self-service technology built to reduce vulnerabilities and deny...

UK cyber cops: Infosec pros could help us divert teens from 'dark side'
2018-08-13 08:11

Police seek mentor-like techies to help talented kids UK police are looking to cybersecurity firms to help implement a strategy of steering youngsters away from a life in online crime.…

InfoSec Institute launches  Security Awareness Practitioner Certification
2018-08-10 20:20

InfoSec Institute launched its Certified Security Awareness Practitioner (CSAP) boot camp. The course is to certify professionals with the expert knowledge, skills and confidence to build and...

Congresscritters want answers on Tillerson's rm -rf /opt/gov/infosec
2018-08-10 13:18

Reps probe Rex's wrecking ball job on crucial Cyber Issues office US House Democrats are asking Republicans to subpoena the State Department over its decision to shut down a key government...

It's 2018 and I can still hack into sat-comms gear, sighs infosec dude
2018-08-10 09:48

Planes, ships, military equipment at risk says IOActive's Santamarta Black Hat Four years ago, IOActive security researcher Ruben Santamarta came to Black Hat USA to warn about insecurities in...

You can't always trust those mobile payment gadgets as far as you can throw them – bugs found by infosec duo
2018-08-10 01:35

Tech needs to mature a little more, perhaps Black Hat Those gadgets and apps used by small shops and traders to turn their smartphones and tablets into handheld sales terminals? Quite possibly...