Security News

Porn Clicker Android malware hits Google Play hard (Help Net Security)
2016-02-26 14:21

In a little over seven months, cybercriminals using click-jacking mobile malware to earn affiliate income have managed to push over 340 instances of the malware into Google Play. The “Porn...

Mobile banking Trojan bypasses Google Play security (Help Net Security)
2016-02-23 15:30

The Acecard malware is capable of attacking users of nearly 50 different online financial applications and services and is able to bypass Google Play store security measures, according to...

60+ Trojanized Android games lurking on Google Play (Help Net Security)
2016-01-29 12:37

Dr. Web researchers have discovered over 60 Trojanized game apps being offered on Google Play through more than 30 different game developer accounts. The games are made to look like other popular o...

13 Brain Test Malicous Apps Booted From Google Play (Threatpost)
2016-01-06 21:01

Researchers at mobile security company Lookout found 13 malicious apps on Google Play that are related to the Brain Test malware family.