Security News

Click-Fraud Malware Spreading via JavaScript Attachments (Threatpost)
2015-07-29 15:27

The SANS Internet Storm Center reports a rash of malicious spam pushing Kovter click-fraud malware.

Over 5,000 mobile apps found performing in-app ad fraud (Help Net Security)
2015-07-27 12:20

Of the $20 billion projected to be spent by advertisers on mobile advertising in 2015, $1 billion will effectively be lost due to in-app ad fraud, warns ad fraud detection and prevention company Foren...

Ad Fraud Malware Updating Flash on Infected PCs (Threatpost)
2015-07-06 17:59

Ad fraud malware is one of the more profitable specialties in the cybercrime world, and the attackers who use it often have to adapt their tactics in order to keep the money rolling in. One of the...