Security News

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, podcasts and articles: McAfee Labs predicts 14 security developments for 2017 Ransomware attacks will decrease in volume and...

Mozilla released a new version of Firefox on Wednesday to address a zero day vulnerability that was actively being exploited to de-anonymize Tor Browser users.

Mozilla and the Tor Project have released security updates that fix the Firefox 0-day flaw that was spotted being exploited to de-anonymize Tor Browser users. It is still unknown who started...

A zero-day vulnerability in Firefox, similar to one created by the FBI in 2013, is actively being exploited in the Tor Project’s anonymizing TorBrowser.

An anonymous user of the SIGAINT darknet email service has revealed the existence of a JavaScript exploit that is apparently being actively used to de-anonymize Tor Browser users. The warning came...

Mozilla has released Firefox Focus, an iOS app that lets you browse the Internet without having to worry who’s tracking your online activity. The app can be used independently, or can be...

Mozilla addressed 29 vulnerabilities, three critical, when it released the latest iteration of its flagship browser, Firefox 50 on Tuesday.

Firefox 50 is out, and it includes security fixes for 3 critical, 12 high, 10 moderate, and 2 low severity issues, as well as many usability improvements. Two of the critical issues involve a...

Firefox is removing the battery status API, citing privacy concerns. Here's the paper that described those concerns: Abstract. We highlight privacy risks associated with the HTML5 Battery Status...

Version 52 of the popular Firefox browser will no longer allow websites to access the Battery Status API and the information it can provide about the visitor’s device. As you may or may not know,...