Security News

Russian Company Pins European Bank Attacks on North Korea (InfoRiskToday)
2017-05-30 09:18

Group-IB's Findings Add to Growing Body of Circumstantial EvidenceRussian threat intelligence firm Group-IB alleges that North Korea is behind recent attacks against financial institutions in...

Highest European CISO salaries set to reach €1 million (Help Net Security)
2017-05-23 16:59

Chief Information Security Officers supervise information systems for their organization, and are in charge of coming up with, proposing, and implementing workable solution for minimizing security...

European businesses not seeking help from the security industry ahead of GDPR (Help Net Security)
2017-05-04 14:36

European research by PAC and Reliance acsn has outlined the challenges and concerns that security professionals across Europe are facing and how they approach the serious issue of outsourcing...

European companies hit with highly customizable ransomware (Help Net Security)
2017-04-03 19:57

Panda Security researchers have been following and analyzing ransomware attacks that have been targeting European business for a few months now, and have tied them to the same group. Their modus...