Security News
Here's the latest Naked Security podcast. Enjoy!
Barracuda Networks this week announced automated incident response capabilities are now available for customers using its Total Email Protection solution. read more
An 87GB dump of email addresses and passwords containing almost 773 million unique addresses and just under 22 million unique passwords has been found.
She sent her bank account details three times, she said. Unfortunately, they wound up in crooks' hands, and her money wound up in their pockets.
2.7 Billion Email/Password Combo List for Credential Stuffing, Troy Hunt WarnsAustralian security expert Troy Hunt says an 87 GB compilation of username and password combinations - drawn from more...
Now is a good time to get a password manager app Infosec researcher Troy Hunt has revealed that more than 700 million email addresses have been floating around “a popular hacker forum” - along...
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: The attack surface is growing faster than it has at any other point in the history of technology Avast launched its...
Trustwave unveiled Trustwave Secure Email Gateway (SEG) 8.2, the latest iteration of its email security platform that offers organizations a solution for advanced email security, extensive policy...
'Almost unprecedented' attacks use the old man-in-the-middle diddle – infoseccers Infosec biz FireEye has suggested Iran may be responsible for what it claims are DNS hijacking attacks aimed at...
Cisco this week patched two serious denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely without authentication in its Email Security Appliance (ESA) products. read more