Security News

Auto dealers have long resisted the shift to digital purchasing, favoring in-person transactions as much as possible, but COVID-19 forced a change in consumer behavior and normalized online car shopping and digitally transforming the auto industry. Digital agreements and transactions may be used but securing these transactions will continue to be another issue entirely.

The city of Antwerp, Belgium, is working to restore its digital services that were disrupted last night by a cyberattack on its digital provider. The disruption has affected services used by citizens, schools, daycare centers, and the police, which have been working intermittently today.

With so many manufacturers and devices to choose from, the smart home landscape is often a mishmash of support and usability. Simply put, until now, the lack of a unifying standard among various smart home technology standards made using devices together complicated and difficult.

The Indian government on Friday released a draft version of the much-awaited data protection regulation, making it the fourth such effort since it was first proposed in July 2018. The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022, as it's called, aims to secure personal data, while also seeking users' consent in what the draft claims is "Clear and plain language" describing the exact kinds of information that will be collected and for what purpose.

A suspected Chinese state-sponsored actor breached a digital certificate authority as well as government and defense agencies located in different countries in Asia as part of an ongoing campaign since at least March 2022. Symantec, by Broadcom Software, linked the attacks to an adversarial group it tracks under the name Billbug, citing the use of tools previously attributed to this actor.

The International Committee of the Red Cross wants some digital equivalent to the iconic red cross, to alert would-be hackers that they are accessing a medical network. The emblem wouldn't provide technical cybersecurity protection to hospitals, Red Cross infrastructure or other medical providers, but it would signal to hackers that a cyberattack on those protected networks during an armed conflict would violate international humanitarian law, experts say, Tilman Rodenhäuser, a legal adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross, said at a panel discussion hosted by the organization on Thursday.

The International Committee of the Red Cross wants to devise a digital equivalent of its emblems, to signify that certain digital resources are protected and must not be targeted during cyberwarfare. "For more than 150 years, protective emblems like the red cross have been used to convey a simple message: In times of armed conflict, those who wear the red cross or facilities and objects marked with [it] must be protected from harm," the organization wrote last week, adding "The obligation of all warring parties to respect and protect medical and humanitarian actors applies online as well."

According to these internal documents, SIAM is a computer system that works behind the scenes of Iranian cellular networks, providing its operators a broad menu of remote commands to alter, disrupt, and monitor how customers use their phones. The tools can slow their data connections to a crawl, break the encryption of phone calls, track the movements of individuals or large groups, and produce detailed metadata summaries of who spoke to whom, when, and where.

Beginning in Autumn 2024, existing photo-less national health insurance cards will no longer be accepted, officially replaced by My Number Cards. There's only one problem: Japan residents seem reluctant to adopt them, with an online petition to keep current health cards quickly gathering 100,000 signatures.

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