Security News

Digital Rights Advocates Call for Investigation Around W3C’s DRM Extension (Threatpost)
2016-07-14 18:28

Digital rights advocates are again pleading with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to reconsider standardizing DRM in Encrypted Media Extensions, a draft specification that would ultimately feed...

Industrialisation of cybercrime is disrupting digital enterprises (Help Net Security)
2016-07-06 13:00

Only a fifth of IT decision makers in large multinational corporations are confident that their organisation is fully prepared against the threat of cybercriminals. The vast majority of companies...

Building a new open standard for cloud-based digital signatures (Help Net Security)
2016-06-28 13:08

On July 1, 2016, a new European Union signature regulation (eIDAS) will go into effect, helping pave the way for global adoption of secure digital signatures. Aligned with this milestone that will...