Security News

Netscout so far has identified more than 14,000 "Abusable" Windows RDP servers that can be misused by attackers in DDoS attacks-troubling news at a time when this type of attack is on the rise due to the increased volume of people online during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. What's more, while initially only advanced attackers with access to "Bespoke DDoS attack infrastructure" used this method of amplification, researchers also observed RDP servers being abused in DDoS-for-hire services by so-called "Booters," they said.

Windows admins can configure RDP to run on TCP port 3389 or UDP port 3389, and if the latter is enabled, the system can be abused to launch DDoS attacks that have an amplification ratio of 85.9:1. The company has reported seeing roughly 14,000 unprotected RDP servers that can be abused for such attacks.

Jack Wallen walks you through some of the steps you can take to check for and mitigate distributed denial of service attacks on a Linux server. Recently I wrote a piece on how to detect and stop a DoS attack on Linux.

Now it appears DDoS-Guard is about to be relieved of more than two-thirds of the Internet address space the company leases to clients - including the Internet addresses currently occupied by Parler. Much like Internet infrastructure firm CloudFlare, DDoS-Guard typically doesn't host sites directly but instead acts as a go-between to simultaneously keep the real Internet addresses of its clients confidential and to protect them from crippling Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks.

Windows Remote Desktop Protocol servers are now being abused by DDoS-for-hire services to amplify Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The Microsoft RDP service is a built-in Windows service running on TCP/3389 and/or UDP/3389 that enables authenticated remote virtual desktop infrastructure access to Windows servers and workstations.

Windows Remote Desktop Protocol servers are now being abused by DDoS-for-hire services to amplify Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The Microsoft RDP service is a built-in Windows service running on TCP/3389 and/or UDP/3389 that enables authenticated remote virtual desktop infrastructure access to Windows servers and workstations.

Citrix on Monday informed customers that it released firmware updates for its Application Delivery Controller and Gateway products to prevent threat actors from abusing the appliances to launch and amplify distributed denial-of-service attacks. Several people reported a few days before Christmas that they had started seeing DDoS attacks abusing their Citrix ADC and Gateway devices.

Citrix has released a feature enhancement designed to block attackers from using the Datagram Transport Layer Security feature of Citrix ADC and Gateway devices as an amplification vector in DDoS attacks. According to reports that have surfaced starting with December 21st, 2020, a DDOS attack used DTLS to amplify traffic from susceptible Citrix ADC devices dozens of times.

Citrix has issued an emergency advisory warning its customers of a security issue affecting its NetScaler application delivery controller devices that attackers are abusing to launch amplified distributed denial-of-service attacks against several targets. The desktop virtualization and networking service provider said it's monitoring the incident and is continuing to investigate its impact on Citrix ADC, adding "The attack is limited to a small number of customers around the world."

Citrix has confirmed today that an ongoing 'DDoS attack pattern' using DTLS as an amplification vector is affecting Citrix Application Delivery Controller networking appliances with EDT enabled. Reports of the attack have started trickling in on December 21st, with customers reporting an ongoing DDOS amplify attack over UDP/443 against Citrix Gateway devices.