Security News

How much malware tools sell for on the Dark Web
2020-07-06 16:08

A low-quality batch of malicious tools can sell for as low as $70, while a premium set can go as high as $6,000, according to the security research site Privacy Affairs. At the low end of the list, malware tools aimed at a global audience sell on average for as little as $70. However, this particular batch is sold as low quality, slow speed, and a low success rate.

Data Stolen From 945 Websites Emerges on Dark Web
2020-06-30 15:04

SQL databases allegedly stolen from 945 websites have emerged on the Dark Web, potentially impacting tens of millions of people, Lucy Security reports. The collection contains information from a variety of sites worldwide, which appear to have been breached by different hackers, but not by the entity offering them on the Dark Web.

University of California San Francisco pays ransomware gang $1.14m as BBC publishes 'dark web negotiations'
2020-06-29 16:29

A California university which is dedicated solely to public health research has paid a $1.14m ransom to a criminal gang in the hopes of regaining access to its data. The University of California San Francisco paid out in the apparently successful hope that the Netwalker group would send it a decryption utility for its illicitly encrypted files, which it referred to as "Data ... important to some of the academic work we pursue as a university serving the public good".

What your personal identity and data are worth on the Dark Web
2020-06-25 14:51

Your credit card is worth around $33, your driver's license around $27, and your PayPal account around $42, according to Why is your debit card worth so much more than your credit card? A debit card quickly draws the necessary funds from your bank account.

How much is your data worth on the dark web?
2020-06-19 03:30

Credit card details, online banking logins, and social media credentials are available on the dark web at worryingly low prices, according to Privacy Affairs. Online banking logins cost an average of $35. Full credit card details including associated data cost $12-20.

Exposing the dark web coronavirus scammers
2020-06-15 15:28

What we noticed on the dark net was almost immediately a series of schemes and fraud schemes perpetrated toward the banks, the small business administration, and the other agencies that were affected by the stimulus money. What they're using as seed data for these particular loan applications is stolen private information, PII data, of individuals on the dark net.

Exposing the dark web coronavirus scammers
2020-06-15 15:24

Kurtis Minder, co-founder and CEO of GroupSense, explains why the coronavirus has been big business for bad actors.

COVID-19 tests, PPE and antivirual drugs find a home on the dark web
2020-05-29 11:15

Empire Market is one of the most popular places to buy illegal goods on the dark web, transacting a little over $1,000,000 a week. Empire Market has over 52 thousand listings across 11 categories, but the Drugs & Chemicals category dwarfs the others by an order of magnitude.

How user credentials from LiveJournal wound up on the Dark Web
2020-05-28 11:28

Hackers are trying to sell 26 million LiveJournal account credentials following a reported data breach that happened years ago. Following the theft of LiveJournal's user database, multiple ads were posted by Dark Web data brokers, according to ZDNet.

A New Free Monitoring Tool to Measure Your Dark Web Exposure
2020-05-28 03:35

Last week, application security company ImmuniWeb released a new free tool to monitor and measure an organization's exposure on the Dark Web. To improve the decision-making process for cybersecurity professionals, the free tool crawls Dark Web marketplaces, hacking forums, and Surface Web resources such as Pastebin or GitHub to provide you with a classified schema of your data being offered for sale or leaked.