Security News
CyberX: Hackers Targeting Intellectual Property at Companies in South Korea and ElsewhereA new cyberespionage campaign has targeted hundreds of manufacturing and other industrial firms in South...
India demanded answers from WhatsApp over a snooping scandal Thursday after coming under fire from critics who accused authorities of using malware installed on the Facebook-owned messaging...
Israeli spyware company NSO Group is accused by WhatsApp of cyberespionage targeting journalists, lawyers, human rights activists and others on the Facebook-owned messaging service. - Pocket spy -...
WhatsApp on Tuesday sued Israeli technology firm NSO Group, accusing it of using the Facebook-owned messaging service to conduct cyberespionage on journalists, human rights activists and others. read more
Researchers Tie 'Operation Ghost' Activity to The Dukes, aka Cozy Bear and APT29While the Russian-linked hacking group known as The Dukes, Cozy Bear and APT29 in recent years appeared to have gone...
Researchers Link 'Operation Ghost' to The Dukes AKA Cozy BearThe Russian-linked hacking group known as The Dukes, Cozy Bear and APT29 has been laying low over the last three years, but research...
A recently uncovered highly targeted cyber-espionage platform that uses Tor for network communication has remained under the radar for at least six years, ESET reports. read more
Researchers Suspect Ties to North KoreaA cyber espionage campaign, which may have ties to North Korea, is suspected of targeting foreign ministries, academic institutions and think thanks that are...
After a March report exposed Iran-linked APT33's infrastructure and operations, the cyberespionage group has adopted new tactics and techniques.
A recently uncovered cyberespionage campaign is targeting the users of Android devices in Middle Eastern countries, Trend Micro’s security researchers reveal. read more