Security News

Russian cybercrime gang targets finance firms with stealthy macros
2021-10-15 13:58

A new phishing campaign dubbed MirrorBlast is deploying weaponized Excel documents that are extremely difficult to detect to compromise financial service organizations. The most notable feature of MirrorBlast is the low detection rates of the campaign's malicious Excel documents by security software, putting firms that rely solely upon detection tools at high risk.

Dark Web: Many cybercrime services sell for less than $500
2021-10-13 15:32

A ransomware kit costs as little as $66, though it needs to be modified, while a spearphishing attack can run as low as $100, says Altas VPN. Cybercrime can be a lucrative business for those who specialize in ransomware, phishing campaigns, and other types of attacks. The profit margins are especially healthy because cybercrime products and services often sell at bargain prices on the Dark Web.

Cybercrime awareness heightened, yet people still engage in risky online behaviors
2021-10-01 04:30

Their behaviors online are risky at best and are putting them at risk of cybercrime. Aura hopes to help solve this problem for consumers by providing resources, products and guidance on how to keep your identity, finances and devices safe from online threats." Many people believe they will feel about the same or even less secure in 2030 than they feel online today.

How cybercrime hurts some groups more than others
2021-10-01 04:00

A new report by Malwarebytes, Digitunity and Cybercrime Support Network, which polled more than 5,000 people across the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany, details how people experience cybercrime worldwide, demonstrating cybercrime does not impact everyone equally. Overall analysis of data suggests disadvantaged groups facing barriers in society, such as those with lower incomes and lower education levels, feel less safe about their online experiences, are more likely to fall victim to an attack, and at times report experiencing a heavier emotional burden when responding to cyberattacks.

Europol Breaks Open Extensive Mafia Cybercrime Ring
2021-09-20 19:50

International law enforcement has busted up an extensive cybercrime operation run by a gang with ties to the Italian Mafia. The suspects used various lures to convince victims to wire money to bank accounts controlled by the criminal network, according to Europol.

Financial Cybercrime: Following Cryptocurrency via Public Ledgers
2021-09-16 13:08

As you can see, the cryptocurrency wallets in question were partially redacted - but as we know, these follow a recognizable pattern and can be uncovered in the public ledger. After determining the full wallet address, we can find this wallet on the blockchain and see what was transferred and when.

Financial Cybercrime: Why Cryptocurrency is the Perfect ‘Getaway Car’
2021-09-09 17:51

This is part one of a two-part series on how hackers stole $2 million in cryptocurrency. There is one strong commonality with all these incidents and attacks: The hackers want the funds in cryptocurrency.

The consumerization of the Cybercrime-as-a-Service market
2021-08-31 05:30

A diverse range of cybercrime offerings caters to anyone with sufficient cryptocurrency: from access brokers who sell pilfered credentials for compromised accounts, to bullet proof hosting providers that can deliver reliable and anonymous infrastructure to conduct offensive criminal cyber operations. The discerning cybercrime operator in 2021 can build customized toolchains out of composable microservices and off-the-shelf solutions, tailoring attacks, and repurposing compromises for a variety of criminal endeavours.

Podcast: Ransomware Up x10: Disrupting Cybercrime Suppy Chains an Opportunity
2021-08-26 13:00

Year-over-year, ransomware spiked more than tenfold in the first half of 2021, researchers report. According to Fortinet's latest semiannual FortiGuard Labs Global Threat Landscape Report, released on Monday, the telecommunications sector was the most heavily targeted, followed by government, managed security service providers, automotive, and manufacturing sectors.

FIN8 cybercrime gang backdoors US orgs with new Sardonic malware
2021-08-25 13:00

A financially motivated cybercrime gang has breached and backdoored the network of a US financial organization with a new malware known dubbed Sardonic by Bitdefender researchers who first spotted it. Sardonic is a new C++-based backdoor the FIN8 threat actors deployed on targets' systems likely via social engineering or spear-phishing, two of the group's favorite attack methods.