Security News

Despite knowing they need one, 77% of businesses don't have a response plan for cyberattacks
2018-05-11 13:21

IBM Resilient released a report showing that many organizations have a false sense of cybersecurity. Co-founder and VP of product management Ted Julian talked with TechRepublic about the findings.

These 3 cyberattacks hit businesses hardest in 2017
2018-05-08 14:13

Internet crime cost victims $1.42 billion in 2017, according to the FBI.

A well-trained staff may be your best defense against IoT cyberattacks
2018-05-03 13:47

Protecting all your IoT devices from criminals requires more than mere technology. Every employee must be security aware and trained on what do to when attacks occur.

3 ways to minimize cyberattack threats by reducing attack surfaces
2018-04-27 10:11

Cybercriminals leverage attack surfaces as a way to penetrate an organization's infrastructure. Learn how to reduce attack surfaces and apply deceptive cyberdefenses.

Cyberattacks: Moving From Detection to Prevention
2018-04-23 19:48

Gregory Webb of Bromium Discusses Refocusing on the 'Web of Profit'The endpoint remains the favored attack surface for criminals, yet most cybersecurity solutions rely on detection rather than...

How Puresec aims to safeguard serverless applications from cyberattacks
2018-04-23 12:35

The PureSec Tesseract is a serverless security runtime engine that protects apps in AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, and other environments.

Energy security pros worry about catastrophic failure due to cyberattacks
2018-04-20 16:40

70 percent of energy security professionals are concerned that a successful cyberattack could cause a catastrophic failure, such as an explosion, a recent survey has shown. Of the 151 IT and...

DHS takes strong stance on hackers as tech firms stand against government cyberattacks
2018-04-18 15:30

At the 2018 RSA conference, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen said 'cybersecurity is national security.'

Top tech firms pledge not to help governments launch cyberattacks
2018-04-18 12:03

34 global technology and security companies have pledged not to aid governments launch cyberattacks and to protect all customers regardless of nationality, geography or attack motivation. The...

How SMBs and startups can mitigate the impact of cyberattacks
2018-04-17 12:24

Mayer Brown cybersecurity and data privacy attorney Stephen Lilley explains why SMBs and startups are particularly vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches.