Security News

Chase, Bank of America credit cards too hacker-friendly?
2011-08-24 07:55 By Herb Weisbaum KOMO News Aug 23, 2011

Kiplinger Warns Customers Hackers Got Account,	Credit Card Information
2011-07-11 10:42 By Michael Riley Bloomberg July 9, 2011

How Credit Card Data Is Stolen and Sold
2011-05-04 05:41 By NICK BILTON Bits - The New York Times May 3, 2011 Last week, after the Sony PlayStation Network was attacked by a group of...

PlayStation credit card data was encrypted
2011-04-28 07:32 By Darren Pauli April 28th, 2011 Sony has confirmed that the credit card details possibly stolen in a...

Officer whose credit card was compromised  – IDF chief
2009-08-18 09:21,7340,L-3762692,00.html Hanan Greenberg 08.16.09 Cleared for publication: The senior IDF officer who found himself reluctantly involved in the latest...

Re: Credit card companies form security council
2006-09-11 08:23

Forwarded from: *Hobbit* oh, bunkum. I'll believe that the credit card companies actually CARE about security when I see ALL of them implement a solid number-per-purchase system BY DEFAULT, and...

Indian call centre worker held over credit card fraud
2006-09-06 06:07 September 4, 2006 AFP A call centre employee has been arrested in eastern...

N.H. state server eyed in possible credit card data breach
2006-02-23 09:35,10801,108896,00.html By Todd R. Weiss FEBRUARY 22, 2006 COMPUTERWORLD The FBI, the Department of Justice and New Hampshire officials...

Security breach at Sam's Club exposes credit card data
2005-12-13 07:21,10801,107014,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 12, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Sam's Club, a division of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., is...

Re: Bank loses credit-card info of 1.2M federal workers
2005-03-02 17:29

Forwarded from: Dennis Kezer Based on what is in this story there was absolutely no technical protection on these tapes and anyone with the correct drive should be able to mount them and capture...