Security News

Morpheus enables continuous delivery and compliance with updates for K8s, VMware, Terraform
2020-04-02 00:00

Building on a record-setting 2019, Morpheus has released v4.2 of its multi-cloud management platform focused on enabling continuous delivery for customers leveraging Kubernetes, VMware, and Terraform. With v4.2, Morpheus has added support for brownfield Kubernetes clusters in addition to CNCF Certified Morpheus Kubernetes Service and integration with EKS and AKS. Additionally, the Morpheus Kubernetes Service has been CNCF certified up to version 1.17.

Nemko Group acquires System Sikkerhet to offer comprehensive compliance solutions
2020-03-23 00:00

Nemko Group announced the acquisition of System Sikkerhet, a leading provider of assessment and consultancy services within the fields of information technology and cybersecurity. By acquiring a well-respected security certification solutions provider, Nemko will continue to fulfill the growing need for prompt and cost-effective solutions.

Security Compass adds content to SD Elements, enables companies to meet CCPA compliance
2020-03-19 04:00

Security Compass, a software security company that provides organizations with technology to balance secure software development with speed of software delivery, announced that it has added content to SD Elements that enables organizations operating in California to maintain or achieve compliance under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Security Compass customers have immediate access to new content within the SD Elements platform, which was built for automating balanced development.

Automate manual security, risk, and compliance processes in software development
2020-03-09 04:30

In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2020, we're joined by Ehsan Foroughi, Vice President of Products from Security Compass, an application security expert with 13+ years of management and technical experience in security research. Most companies know that they need proactive security like threat modeling, risk assessments, security training.

More than 40% of privacy compliance technology will rely on AI by 2023
2020-02-28 04:30

Over 40% of privacy compliance technology will rely on artificial intelligence by 2023, up from 5% today, according to Gartner. AI-powered privacy technology lessens compliance headaches.

Why 40% of privacy compliance tech will rely on AI by 2023
2020-02-25 15:28

With privacy laws and data breaches coming into focus in 2019, security leaders are looking for new ways to keep personal information safe. The heightened conversation around data security has resulted in mounting pressure on privacy professionals, who are ultimately responsible for keeping an organization's data secure.

Anitian enhances its Cloud Security Platform with compliance documentation automation
2020-02-25 01:00

Anitian, a leading cloud security and compliance automation provider, announced Documentation Automation, an enhancement to its Cloud Security Platform that automates documentation for the most stringent compliance standards. "The automation of security and compliance documentation represents a final frontier in automating a company's journey to the cloud," said Andrew Plato, Anitian Chairman and CEO. "What used to take 12 to 18 months and teams of people to complete can now be done in days, even hours, with Anitian's Vision Portal."

Compliance: Veritas tool adds intelligence and analysis to data supervision
2020-02-21 15:24

Veritas Technologies has rolled out a compliance tool to help clients ensure all critical data is identified, pinpointed, and protected in regulated industries like financial services and healthcare. In a blog post this week, the Santa Clara, CA-based company, a leader in data protection and availability, noted the increasing need for data supervision in an environment in which global regulations like GDPR become even more demanding and complex.

Keen to check for 'abnormal' user behaviours? Microsoft talks insider risk, AWS imports and compliance at infosec shindig RSA
2020-02-20 14:35

RSA As IBM's crew cancels their hotel rooms, Microsoft's infosec staffers are still set to attend the decades-old RSA conference and pulled the covers off a raft of security releases and previews for the event today. We spoke to Microsoft 365 Senior Director, Alym Rayani, about compliance and insider risk at last year's Ignite event.

Summit 7 prepares Defense and Aerospace Contractors for compliance with the new CMMC regulations
2020-02-20 00:45

Summit 7 Systems, a leading national provider of Cybersecurity Compliance Solutions for the Defense Industrial Base, announced an expansion of their Cybersecurity Practice Area with the addition of new software and services to prepare Defense and Aerospace Contractors for compliance with the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification regulations. The CMMC regulations were created by the U.S. Department of Defense to strengthen Cybersecurity in the supply chain of the Defense Industrial Base, and version 1.0 was released on January 31, 2020.