Security News

Facebook worm spreads by leveraging cloud services (Help Net Security)
2015-03-13 11:39

Facebook users are in danger of having their computers turned in a bot by a worm that spreads via the social network. The worm, identified as belonging to the Kilim malware family, ends on the vict...

Cloud security and adoption trends (Help Net Security)
2015-03-11 07:45

CloudPassage issued a survey to more than 250,000 members of LinkedIn's Information Security Group and represents a broad cross section of company sizes, cloud adoption maturity and experiences. ...

Financial sector cloud adoption on the rise despite security	concerns
2015-03-06 08:29 By Caroline Donnelly 05 March 2015

Financial firms are putting more stock in the cloud (Help Net Security)
2015-03-06 08:13

Many financial firms are slowly putting more stock in the cloud. That’s a key finding from a new Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) survey, which targeted executives from banking, insurance and investment ...