Security News

IT use of cloud surges to record heights (Help Net Security)
2015-12-17 07:15

The cloud has reached the point where businesses are no longer debating whether or not to use cloud, but how pervasively they will use it. A new North Bridge survey shows record levels of corporate ad...

Whitepaper: 10 key questions to ask when selecting a cloud service (Help Net Security)
2015-12-16 07:17

To help your organization be the one that does things right, here are 10 questions to consider asking potential cloud vendors, as well as what to look for in their answers. Asking these questions...

Surge in global cloud application adoption (Help Net Security)
2015-12-16 07:00

Cloud application adoption across all industries increased more than 71 percent in 2015, according to Bitglass. Their global report was compiled through an automated, cloud-based analysis of real-worl...

Banking Malware Moving Over Facebook Hosted in Cloud (Threatpost)
2015-12-10 17:00

Zscaler has uncovered new Spy Banker campaigns moving over Facebook where the banking malware is hosted on a Google Cloud Server.