Security News
You must update your Google Chrome now. Security researcher Michał Bentkowski discovered and reported a high severity vulnerability in Google Chrome in late May, affecting the web browsing...
Researchers have discovered a weakness in the way Chrome and Firefox interact with CSS3 that could have caused them to leak usernames, profile pictures and likes from sites such as Facebook.
A side-channel attack on CSS could expose your personal data to malicious websites, unless you update your browser immediately.
Google has rolled out its newest browser version (Chrome 67.0.3396.62) for Windows, Mac and Linux this week with new security fixes and biometric features.
Google this week released Chrome 67 to the stable channel to provide various improvements, including patches for 34 vulnerabilities. read more
Google expects HTTPS to become the default, and is preparing users for it by slowly moving Chrome towards showing only negative security indicators. Google’s own numbers showed back in February...
When it comes to browser security, how important are the address bar icons and labels that tell users about a site’s security status? For Google at least, they matter a lot.
Google is putting yet another nail in the HTTP coffin: starting with Chrome 70, pages that are not served over a secure connection will be marked with a red warning. read more
The browser is changing to flag the things that are dangerous, not the ones that are safe.
Hacking laws in the limelight in Georgia and DC, plus new iPhone anti-tampering Roundup This week saw hackers exploit train wi-fi connections, while IBM cut off worker thumb(drive)s, and world+dog...