Security News
The U.S. Department of Transportation recently announced that the latest round of autonomous driving regulations will be released this summer. Dubbed AV 3.0, the new policy will set federal...
It's bad news for overweight, elderly, male jaywalkers.
It's bad news for overweight, elderly, male jaywalkers.
The automotive industry has apparently stepped up their game when it comes to improving connected car security. According to the latest IOActive report, which was compiled from the results of the...
Despite having proper security measures in place to protect the driving systems of its cars against cyber attacks, a team of security researchers discovered a way to remotely hack a Tesla Model S...
Manufacturers seem reluctant to do anything about it The privacy issues thrown up by connected cars don't seem to be going anywhere soon.…
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: 0patch releases micropatch for Windows Task Scheduler zero-day Acros Security, the company behind 0patch, has released...
“Your car is a computer that stores a lot of information about you. When you sell or donate your car, that personal data might be accessible to the next owner if you don’t take steps to remove...
Who has the keys to your car? The perils of previous owners retaining unfettered access to the data and controls of connected cars after resale is a wider problem across the industry, The Register...
Internet boxes blab coordinates on login pages Black Hat If you want to avoid the cops, or watch deliveries and call-outs by trucks and another vehicles in real-time, well, there's potentially not...