Security News
Bruce Schneier was at the first ever RSA Conference in 1991, and he was the first 'exhibitor' in 1994 when he asked Jim Bidzos, Creator of the RSA Conference, if he could sell copies of his book "Applied Cryptography." Bidzos set Schneier up in the hotel lobby where the conference was being held-and the rest is history. Listen to some great RSA Conference memories on this episode of the History of RSA Conference.
Speaking at the RSA Conference 2020 on Thursday, security technologist Bruce Schneier called for a better cooperation between security experts and government policymakers. From education systems to election structures, society is built on conventional "Models" that made sense when they were first formed hundreds of years ago, said Schneier, a lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Totally sane John McAfee up there with Walder Frey, says infosec celeb list Despite billing himself as "the world's most famous hacker", Kevin Mitnick isn't the infosec personality your grandma is...
As it emerges non-internet-connected election systems are actually connected to the internet Black Hat While various high-tech solutions to secure electronic voting systems are being touted this...
Bruce Schneier announced in a brief blog post, "I'm leaving IBM." His three-year stint with what he calls "the nicely ambiguous title of 'Special Advisor'" ended at the end of June 2019. He gives...
Says bye to Big Blue Infosec veteran Bruce Schneier has said he'll step down as a "special advisor" to IBM's security business to, in part, focus his time on teaching the next generation of security pros.…
'Politicians are reluctant to disrupt the enormous wealth creation machine technology has turned out to be' RSA Politicians are, by and large, clueless about technology, and it's going to be up to...
Bruce Schneier discusses the clash between critical infrastructure and cyber threats.
Infosec's cool uncle says to hell with the carrot Any sort of lasting security standard in IoT devices may only happen if governments start doling out stiff penalties.…
Noted cryptographer waxes on the threats posed by physical cyber systems, 'going dark' and a crypto arms race.