Security News

The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) conducted a survey that gauges the perceived risks among privacy professionals of not complying with various aspects of the General...

Last week, I testified before the House Energy and Commerce committee on the Equifax hack. You can watch the video here. And you can read my written testimony below. Testimony and Statement for...

Until 12 Days Post-Breach, None Knew Equifax Had Suffered Massive HackEquifax says four senior executives - including its CFO - did not know the company had suffered one of the worst breaches in...

Health Insurer Claims Case Lacks Evidence of HarmCareFirst BlueCross BlueShield has filed a petition asking the Supreme Court to review a case filed against the health insurer in the wake of a...

Vast Majority of Recent Breach Victims Affected by a Hacker AttackWith less than two months left in the year, incidents involving hackers are dominating the federal tally of health data breaches...

The hacker who falsely claimed to have breached FireEye -- it was just the personal online accounts of one employee -- was arrested by international law enforcement and taken into custody on...

Mobile Phone Records Appear on Dark Web, Both for Sale and for FreeMalaysia is grappling with a sweeping data breach that exposed 46 million mobile phone records, jobseeker profiles and data from...

Litigation attorney Patricia Carreiro offers an analysis of whether malpractice or cyber insurance coverage - or neither - would come into play if a patient was injured as a result of a...

The latest ISMG Security Report features highlights from last week's panel discussion at the ISMG Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit in London on the implications of the Equifax data breach.

Appleby, a major offshore law firm based in Bermuda, has confirmed it has suffered a data security incident in 2016 that resulted in some of their data being compromised. It’s doubtful that the...