Security News

A new variant of the Mirai Internet of Things (IoT) botnet has emerged, which features new exploits in its arsenal and distributing a new bot, Fortinet researchers warn. read more

Well, that did not take long. Within just 10 days of the disclosure of two critical vulnerabilities in GPON router at least 5 botnet families have been found exploiting the flaws to build an army...

Researchers infected devices and totted up all the 'leccy and bandwidth they used Berkeley boffins reckon the Dyn-based Internet of Things attack that took down Brian Krebs' Website in 2016 cost...

The Internet of Things (IoT) botnet known as read more

The blockchain sector is now bursting with innovation, with developers looking for new, pragmatic ways to use this secure distributed ledger technology across a range of applications. And as...

In 2018, Q1 saw a DDoS attack that lasted 12 days, the longest since 2015, according to Kaspersky Lab.

A botnet has exploited a highly critical Drupal CMS vulnerability, which was previously disclosed by Drupal in March.

More than 65,000 routers exposed to the Internet via the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol are being abused by cybercriminals as part of a large, multi-purpose proxy botnet, Akamai has...

The Necurs Botnet Has a Modular Architecture, Which Allows it to Remain Agile and Switch the Distribution Type Based on historical patterns and recent activity, including what I consider three...

Recorded Future's "Insikt" threat intelligence research group has linked the Mirai variant IoTroop (aka Reaper) botnet with attacks on the Netherlands financial sector in January 2018. The...