Security News

Self-Proclaimed ‘Nuclear Bot’ Author Weighs U.S. Job Offer (Krebs on Security)
2017-04-06 14:22

The author of a banking Trojan called Nuclear Bot -- a teenager living in France -- recently released the source code for his creation just months after the malware began showing up for sale in...

Bad bots attack 96% of websites with login pages (Help Net Security)
2017-03-17 12:30

Almost every website with a login page is under attack from bad bots, the automated programs used to carry out a variety of nefarious activities, according to Distil Networks. “Website defenders...

Neutrino Bot Gets Protective Loader (InfoSecIsland)
2017-03-07 11:40

A recently observed variant of the multi-purpose Neutrino Bot is using a protective, obfuscated loader that is an integral part of the full package.

Research into Twitter Bots (Schneier on Security)
2017-01-27 12:18

There are a lot of them. In a world where the number of fans, friends, followers, and likers are social currency -- and where the number of reposts is a measure of popularity -- this kind of...