Security News

Versatile Linux backdoor acts as downloader, spyware (Help Net Security)
2016-01-25 14:38

Another Linux Trojan has been discovered by researchers, and this one is pretty versatile: it opens a backdoor into the infected device, can download and run additional malicious files, and can spy on...

SSH backdoor found in more Fortinet devices, exploit attempts spotted in the wild (Help Net Security)
2016-01-25 13:13

In case you missed it, Fortinet announced last week that the recently discovered FortiOS SSH backdoor - or, as they call it, "a management authentication issue" - has been found by its Product Securit...

‘Deliberate’ Backdoor Removed From Secure Conferencing Gear (Threatpost)
2016-01-22 20:34

AMX, a provider of audio-visual conferencing gear used in sensitive government and military locations, has removed a “deliberate” backdoor in one of its central controller system products.

UK Government Promoting Backdoor-Enabled Voice Encryption Protocol (Schneier on Security)
2016-01-22 20:23

The UK government is pushing something called the MIKEY-SAKKE protocol to secure voice. Basically, it's an identity-based system that necessarily requires a trusted key-distribution center. So key...