Security News

Denial-of-Service Attacks Still a Threat
2002-04-10 08:45

Forwarded from: bob,1212,NAV47_STO69924-,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan Computer World Apr. 08, 2002 Denial-of-service (DOS) attacks...

Rampant attacks on home PCs
2002-03-29 08:55 By M. MADHAVAN Wednesday, March 27, 2002 PETALING JAYA: Users who have installed host-based firewall...

Social Engineering Attacks via IRC and Instant Messaging
2002-03-20 09:15

Forwarded from: Justin Lundy The CERT/CC has received reports of social engineering attacks on users of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and Instant...

Trends in Denial of Service Attack Technology
2001-10-24 07:13 This paper (pdf) highlights recent trends in DoS attack technology based on intruder activity and attack tools reported to and analyzed by the...

Hack attack targets Verizon, AT&T wireless users
2001-07-31 07:31,1199,NAV47_STO62673,00.html.html By ASHLEE VANCE IDG NEWS SERVICE July 30, 2001 Verizon Wireless Inc. and AT&T Wireless have started investigating a...

New Mexico teen charged in NASA computer attack
2001-07-02 05:52 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (July 1, 2001 1:02 a.m. EDT) - Federal authorities have accused an Albuquerque teenager of hacking into a NASA...

CIA can't foresee computer attacks, official says
2001-06-22 01:12 By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press WASHINGTON (June 21, 2001 2:54 p.m. EDT) - The CIA is unable to predict attacks on U.S. computer...

Investigators seek clues to White House Web site attack
2001-05-08 02:58,1199,NAV47_STO60283,00.html By RICK PERERA IDG NEWS SERVICE May 07, 2001 White House officials are still unsure who is responsible for a denial-of-service...

Advance notice of Web site warning may have helped block              attacks
2001-03-12 06:33,1199,NAV47_STO58475,00.html By DAN VERTON March 09, 2001 Early warnings issued by the FBI to four vertical-industry groups about the continuing threat of...

Hackers say attack was easy
2001-02-12 06:37,1643,500308974-500496290-503480397-0,00.html By JONATHAN FOWLER Associated Press GENEVA (February 11, 2001 7:03 p.m. EST -...