Security News

Reflection DDoS Attacks Abusing RPC Portmapper (Threatpost)
2015-08-18 14:00

Level 3 Communications has discovered a new type of reflection DDoS attack that takes advantage of RPC Portmapper to overwhelm networking services.

Using BitTorrent Vulnerabilities to Launch Distributed Reflective DoS Attacks (Threatpost)
2015-08-17 17:42

Researchers warn several BitTorrent protocols can be leveraged to carry out distributed reflective denial of service (DRoS) attacks.

Five points of failure in recovering from an attack (Help Net Security)
2015-08-17 13:09

An over emphasis on defense is leaving the financial sector exposed to cyber attack. An increase in threat levels has seen the sector bolster defenses by focusing on detection and attack response but ...

BitTorrent clients can be made to participate in high-volume DoS attacks (Help Net Security)
2015-08-17 10:22

A group of researchers have discovered a new type of DoS attack that can be pulled off by a single attacker exploiting weaknesses in the BitTorrent protocol family. The weaknesses in the Micro Tran...

OwnStar Attack Now Aimed at BMW, Chrysler, Mercedes Cars (Threatpost)
2015-08-14 13:54

The OwnStar attack that hacker Samy Kamkar revealed late last month can be used against not only GM vehicles, but cars manufactured by Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Chrysler, as well. The attack allows...