Security News

Targeted Attack Exposes OWA Weakness (Threatpost)
2015-10-06 14:54

A targeted attack has been uncovered in which hackers were able to burrow onto the corporate network and steal thousands of username-password combinations via Outlook Web Access.

Attackers prefer lower-bandwidth DDoS attacks (Help Net Security)
2015-10-06 07:30

Analyzing customer data, Corero found that attackers are continuing to leverage sub-saturating DDoS attacks with increasing frequency, using shorter attack durations to evade legacy cloud DDoS scrubbi...

Nuclear facilities are wide open to cyber attacks (Help Net Security)
2015-10-05 14:52

You would think that, given the potential disastrous consequences of a successful hack, the computer systems and networks of nuclear facilities would be better secured agains cyber intrusions. Unfortu...