Security News

Little Snitch Bug Leaves Some Mac Systems Open to Attack (Threatpost)
2016-07-12 17:51

Mac OS firewall Little Snitch is vulnerable to local escalation of privileges attacks that could give criminals the ability plant rootkits and keylogger on some Mac OS X El Capitan systems.

New rules aim to help EU member states tackle cyber attacks (Help Net Security)
2016-07-07 13:35

Firms supplying essential services, e.g. for energy, transport, banking and health, or digital ones, such as search engines and cloud services, will have to improve their ability to withstand...

APT Group ‘Patchwork’ Cuts-and-Pastes a Potent Attack (Threatpost)
2016-07-07 11:00

Researchers discover APT attackers that rummage dark web, GitHub and hidden criminal forums to patch together a high-impact APT.