Security News

Mozilla addressed 29 vulnerabilities, three critical, when it released the latest iteration of its flagship browser, Firefox 50 on Tuesday.

A new report, using data gathered from the Akamai Intelligent Platform, provides analysis of the current cloud security and threat landscape, including insight into two record‑setting DDoS attacks...

The Carbanak cybercrime gang has shifted strategy and targets the hospitality and restaurant industries with new techniques and malware.

A group of researchers has come up with WindTalker, a new attack method for discovering users’ passwords and PINs as they enter them into their smartphones. WindTalker is the name of the attack,...

Researchers say BlackNurse attacks are low bandwidth (18Mbps) and can still knock offline many of today’s firewalls.

66.2 percent of financial organizations faced at least one cybersecurity attack in the last year, according to MetricStream Research. The report, based on a survey conducted in July 2016, features...