Security News

Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade on the Dangers of APT Security Research (Threatpost)
2015-10-20 18:17

Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade from Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) joins Ryan Naraine on the podcast to discuss the “identity crisis” in the anti-malware industry and the...

1 in 4 organizations have experienced an APT (Help Net Security)
2015-10-20 07:00

A new ISACA study found that more than one in four (28%) have already experienced an APT attack. The study found that mobile device security continues to lag at many organizations, even though the ...

Previously unknown Moker RAT is the latest APT threat (Help Net Security)
2015-10-07 10:35

Researchers over at cybersecurity company enSilo have discovered a novel, powerful and persistent type of malware plaguing the network of one of their customers. This malware, which they dubbed Mok...

Naikon APT Group Tied to China’s PLA Unit 78020 (Threatpost)
2015-09-24 17:37

As China president Xi Jinping visits the U.S., a new report surfaces tying cyberespionage activities against U.S. interests in the South China Sea to China's PLA Unit 78020.

Turla APT Group Abusing Satellite Internet Links (Threatpost)
2015-09-09 13:00

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have revealed that the Turla APT gang is using satellite-based Internet links to hide command-and-control activities.