Security News

RSA Conference 2019: Emotet Takes Aim at Latin America
2019-03-08 18:04

RAT activity in Latin America and Asia ramped up at the end of 2018, indicating widespread coordinated targeting by threat actors.

US counterintelligence agent helped Iran lob cyber-bombs at America, say Uncle Sam's lawyers
2019-02-14 01:25

Prosecutors accuse Monica Witt of helping Tehran target her former colleagues US prosecutors on Wednesday announced the indictment of a former US counterintelligence agent on charges of helping...

First they came for Equifax and we did nothing because America. Now they are coming for back-end systems and we're...
2019-02-12 12:03

Imag-I-Nation Technologies (no, not that one) fesses up to breach affecting thousands A company that develops and supports software for consumer reports and background checks has admitted to...

Team America tries to crash Little Rocket Man's Joanap botnet from within, warns owners of infected boxes
2019-01-31 02:27

So lonely, so lonely without my network of hacked PCs Uncle Sam has infiltrated and somewhat knackered what it claims is a North Korea-operated botnet of hijacked Microsoft Windows computers.…

Team America crashes Little Rocket Man's Joanap botnet from within, warns owners of infected Windows boxes
2019-01-31 02:27

So lonely, so lonely without my network of hijacked PCs Uncle Sam has infiltrated and knackered what it claims is a North Korea-operated botnet of hijacked Microsoft Windows computers.…

The Privacy Penalty for Voting in America
2018-11-16 10:18

States Shouldn't Serve Up on a Platter Voters' Email Addresses and Phone NumbersVoting in the United States carries a huge privacy cost: states give away or sell voters' personal information to...

CISA's Palace: Congress backs new cybersecurity nerve-center for cyber-America's cyber-future
2018-11-15 01:07

CISA heads off for Trump's signature – no, not that CISA, the good one The US House of Representatives has unanimously passed a bipartisan bill that would create a new agency to lead the federal...

Cyber attacks ranked as top risk in Europe, North America, East Asia and the Pacific
2018-11-13 06:30

There are significant differences in risk perceptions across the eight regions covered in the World Economic Forum’s Regional Risks for Doing Business report. Over 12,000 executives highlighted...

Cyberattacks Top Risk to Business in North America, EAP, Europe: WEF
2018-11-12 14:28

Cyberattacks are seen as the top risk to doing business in Europe, North America, and the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region, according to a report published on Monday by the World Economic Forum...

Dear America: Want secure elections? Stick to pen and paper for ballots, experts urge
2018-09-07 20:39

Computer voting not yet ready for prime time, say boffins The upcoming 2020 US presidential election should be conducted on paper, since there is no way currently to make electronic voting secure,...