Security News > 2022 > September > Stop us if you've heard this one before: Exchange Server zero-days actively exploited

Stop us if you've heard this one before: Exchange Server zero-days actively exploited
2022-09-30 03:03

Security researchers have warned a zero-day flaw in Microsoft's Exchange server is being actively exploited.

A second flaw, ZDI-CAN-18802, is rated 6.3/10. "Details of the flaws are scanty, with GTSC's post detailing its observations of webshells with Chinese characteristics being dropped onto Exchange servers. Those webshells then"injects malicious DLLs into the memory, drops suspicious files on the attacked servers, and executes these files through the Windows Management Instrumentation Command line.

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There's reports emerging that a new zero day exists in Microsoft Exchange, and is being actively exploited in the wild ????. I can confirm significant numbers of Exchange servers have been backdoored - including a honeypot.

Scarcely a month passes without Microsoft finding other Exchange flaws felt worthy of a Patch Tuesday patch, but the software giant has also recently pledged to improve the server's security by adopting zero-trust principles for connections to the product.

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