Security News > 2021 > January > Vulnerability management isn’t working for cloud security: Here’s how to do it right

Vulnerability management isn’t working for cloud security: Here’s how to do it right
2021-01-18 06:00

So how do we solve this problem? It begins with a better vulnerability management system, a refocused commitment to cloud application security best practices and a realignment of our current security posture with the specific requirements of the cloud.

Vulnerability assessments are conducted periodically to evaluate the existing security posture and help inform any necessary changes to the vulnerability management action plan.

Scanning is perhaps the best-known vulnerability management tool, as it plays a high-profile role in cloud and hybrid cloud security.

Unlike for traditional vulnerability management tools, to BAS platforms the dynamism of the cloud presents little difficulty.

For these reasons, organizations seeking to modernize their vulnerability management processes may find deploying a BAS solution to be one of the fastest and most effective measures for improving cloud security.

If we are ever going to make high-profile cloud security breaches a rarity, it's imperative to create vulnerability management processes that reflect the actual challenges organizations face.

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