Security News > 2020 > December > Predicting 2021 in cybersecurity: DDoS attacks, 5G speed, AI security, and more

Predicting 2021 in cybersecurity: DDoS attacks, 5G speed, AI security, and more
2020-12-18 18:51

That machine-to-machine communication, right? As you speed that up, and you speed up that attacker machine-to-machine communication, you really can start to up-level the ability to conduct these denial of service attacks.

While they may be not have been necessarily as in fashion, we're seeing that the ransomware trends, and some of those more, you will probably see a resurgence or DDoS attacks is there, but you crank into, and leverage the increased speed, and the increased dependency on IoT devices in a way that we maybe haven't seen them as monetized in the past, connectivity, ransom against connectivity, rather than ransomware files.

Whether you're that bottom feeder, who maybe wants the easy, low-dollar win, or these apex predator, ransomware attacks that are doing more enhanced targeting, more enhanced tradecraft to ask for the big ransom, there isn't an industry that's off the table.

Where we have so much more dependency on different applications, we know attackers are also now, "Hey, is that a diversity of how the security team understands that space? Is there a loss of visibility there? How are we, and can we take advantage?" And they're going to be creative, right? Let's not take anything away from it.

You want to do more efficient use of your human team, right? And yes, there are skill shortages, but the real, I think, strain on the security team is how can we be doing more than what we have?

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