Security News > 2018 > October

CA Technologies updates mainframe solutions, promoting a platform for hybrid environments
2018-10-31 06:46

CA Technologies updates its mainframe solutions that are designed to accelerate modernization and integration initiatives, allowing enterprises to leverage mainframes as enablers of digital...

Many water and energy systems vulnerable to significant cyber risk
2018-10-31 06:45

New Trend Micro research revealed how exposed human machine interface (HMI) systems in thousands of critical water and energy organizations around the world could be exploited, causing significant...

Wider breach awareness fosters more security conversations
2018-10-31 06:15

Focal Point Data Risk released the second annual Cyber Balance Sheet Report, a closely watched research study using in-depth surveys and interviews of corporate board members and CISOs to offer a...

NTT Security adds botnet infrastructure detection to Managed Security Services
2018-10-31 03:00

NTT Security has developed a new network analytics technology to detect and defend NTT Group’s Managed Security Services (MSS) customers from attacks launched on botnet infrastructures. The new...

LookingGlass Cyber Solutions software platform manages third party cyber risks
2018-10-31 02:00

LookingGlass Cyber Solutions released its Third Party Risk Monitoring offering. Built on the ScoutPrime platform, the LookingGlass subscription service offering leverages the threat data along...

Avi Networks launches SaaS solution for multi-cloud load balancing and application services
2018-10-31 01:00

Avi Networks launched Avi SaaS, the SaaS solution for multi-cloud load balancing. Avi SaaS provides cloud-managed software to deliver application services including load balancing, web application...

Female leaders recognized for contributions to biometrics and security
2018-10-31 00:00

Five distinguished leaders in the biometric identity and security industry have been selected as the 2018 winners of the Women in Biometrics Awards, co-founded by the Security Industry Association...

Apple drops its much-anticipated updates to Mac, AppleTV, and iOS
2018-10-30 22:51

Security updates. What did you think we were referring to? Sneaking in behind the hoopla of Tuesday's MacBook spectacle was a set of security updates for virtually all of Apple's supported products.…

Square, PayPal POS Hardware Open to Multiple Attack Vectors
2018-10-30 21:10

Popular card readers like Square and PayPal have various flaws that allow attacks ranging from fraud to card data theft.