Security News > 2017

Offshoring PHI: Addressing the Security Issues
2017-12-15 17:18

Experts Offer Insights on Precautions to TakeU.S. healthcare entities need to keep security top of mind if they use offshore services to handle protected health information, security experts say,...

Report: Russian Hackers Target Banks in US, Britain, Russia
2017-12-15 17:18

Nearly $10 Million Stolen from 20 Institutions in Past 1½ YearsA group of Russian-speaking hackers over the past year-and-a-half has stolen nearly $10 million from banks, mostly in the United...

New Law Bans Kaspersky AV Software From Federal Computers
2017-12-15 17:18

Measure Included in Military Funding Bill Signed by President TrumpA new U.S. law signed by President Donald Trump prohibits federal agencies from running anti-virus software from Moscow-based...

Cryptocurrency Infrastructure Flaws Pose Bitcoin Risks
2017-12-15 17:18

Major Cybercrime Gangs Shift From Hacking Banks to BitcoinsBitcoin's massive rise in value and hype continues to draw the attention of hackers, scammers and organized crime. Flaws in bitcoin...

Facebook Releases New Certificate Transparency Tools
2017-12-15 15:32

Following the release of the read more

Our smart future and the threat of cyber-kinetic attacks
2017-12-15 15:24

A growing number of today’s entertainment options show protagonists battling cyber-attacks that target the systems at the heart of our critical infrastructure whose failure would cripple modern...

Study Examines Value of Data
2017-12-15 15:19

IP is Valued Above Email but Below PII, Survey Finds read more