Security News > 2016 > October

This month, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced proposed regulation that requires banks, insurance companies, and other financial services institutions regulated by the NY State...

Apple said over the weekend it would soon distrust certificates issued by WoSign's Free SSL Certificate G2 intermediate CA on macOS.

STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Simple and effective advice for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

The bids are at a measly $1,082. "Peoples is not thinking auction is being real!" Is lacking balls, or is having too many brain?

IoT-powered DDoS attacks are on the rise, and the situation is poised to become even worse now that the source code for the Mirai malware has been made public. Reporter Brian Krebs, whose website...

An attacker known as Anna-senpai released source code for the Mirai malware, which was used in a 620 Gbps DDoS attack against Krebs on Security.