Security News > 2005 By Sam Varghese Comment October 22, 2005 (Microsoft general manager for security George)... One News Oct 19, 2005 A Dunedin university lecturer who hacked into a US company's computer has finally been outed after an 18 month battle to keep his...,10801,105530,00.html By Linda Rosencrance OCTOBER 18, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD During a recent audit of the U.S. Department of... By Jane Holroyd October 18, 2005 Baywatch star David Hasselhoff, who arrived in Australia this morning,...,10801,105395,00.html Opinion by Douglas Schweitzer OCTOBER 17, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD So, you have the best firewall, intrusion-detection...

+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Weekly Newsletter | | October 17th, 2005 Volume 6, Number 43n | | | | Editorial Team: Dave Wreski dave...,10801,105358,00.html By Linda Rosencrance OCTOBER 12, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The U.S. Defense Logistics Agency isn't fully protecting its... By Sam Varghese October 11, 2005 A group of British security researchers has decided to start a fork of...

Forwarded from: Mark Bernard 3rd Annual High Technology Crime Investigation Association Seminar Presented by the Atlantic Canada Chapter HTCIA When: November 25th, 2005 Where: Howard Johnson... By Ellen McCarthy Washington Post Staff Writer October 7, 2005 Sourcefire Inc., a Columbia software firm that...