Security News > 2005

Forwarded from: Anthony Zboralski Dear ISN readers, We are proud to announce the immediate availability of the Hack In The Box Security Conference 2004 videos [Pack-1...

Forwarded from: Dennis Kezer Based on what is in this story there was absolutely no technical protection on these tapes and anyone with the correct drive should be able to mount them and capture...

Forwarded from: priest Dear friends- It is with a heart heavy with grief that I must inform you of the loss of a dear friend to us all, Josh Cohen. On February 22 at approximately 02:00 hours PST...,10801,100061,00.html By Joanne Morrison FEBRUARY 26, 2005 REUTERS Computer tapes containing credit-card records of U.S. Senators and... By John Breeden II Special to The Washington Post February 27, 2005 Pour a 12-ounce can of soda into an eight-ounce glass, and...,10801,100010,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan FEBRUARY 24, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD House Government Reform Committee Chairman Tom Davis (R-Va.)... 2005-02-22 BEIJING, Feb. 22 -- Honkers Union of China (HUC), the earliest and largest hacker group in China and...

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hello InfoSec readers. I wanted to pass on a last announcement for our International conferences. Black Hat Europe and Asia 2005 early bird registrations are about to...,10801,99756,00.html Advice by Scott Warren International Network Services Inc. FEBRUARY 21, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD While... By Brian McWilliams 02/22/2005 Paris Hilton's Chihuahua couldn't protect her Hollywood home from a burglary last summer. So why was...