Security News

Persistent XSS flaw in SharePoint 2013 revealed, patched (Help Net Security)
2015-09-16 11:15

Among the vulnerabilities patched earlier this month by Microsoft is an important one that endangers users of Microsoft SharePoint 2013, a web application platform in the Microsoft Office server suite...

eBay Fixes XSS Flaw in Subdomain (Threatpost)
2015-09-08 15:41

There was a cross-site scripting vulnerability in an eBay domain that could have allowed an attacker to steal users’ session cookies and take over their accounts. The company has removed the...

PayPal stored XSS vulnerability exposed (Help Net Security)
2015-09-03 14:23

Bitdefender researchers have located a stored XSS vulnerability in PayPal that leaves the e-payment service open for hackers to upload maliciously crafted files, capable of performing attacks on regis...