Security News

Greece's Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered that a Russian accused of laundering $4 billion using bitcoin digital currency be extradited to the United States, a court source said. read more

Who’s behind the 2015 Hacking Team hack? According to a notice received by Guido Landi, one of the former Hacking Team employees that was under investigation for the hack, a 30-year old Nashville,...

A stealthy group of Russian-speaking hackers has been targeting financial organizations (banks, credit unions, lenders) in the US and Russia, stealing money and documentation that could be used...

The US Senate confirmed White House deputy chief of staff Kirstjen Nielsen as Secretary of Homeland Security on Tuesday, putting her in charge of implementing the Trump administration's...

Where do we go? Who do we talk to? What do we read about? Our mobile phones are troves of personal, private information, and the US Supreme Court weighed Wednesday how easily police should be able...

Entropy Alert: Non-Random ASLR Leaves Systems Open To Buffer Overflow AttacksRecent versions of Windows have a security problem: They're not random enough, US-CERT warns. The problem centers on...

Amazon has a cloud for U.S. classified data. The physical and computer requirements for handling classified information are considerable, both in terms of technology and procedure. I am surprised...

US-CERT is warning of a vulnerability in Microsoft’s implementation of Address Space Layout Randomization that affects Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

New research by Censuswide captures the preparedness levels of organizations in Europe and the United States for the May 2018 GDPR compliance deadline, as well as their perceptions on the new...

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